Bush conveyor chains
Bush conveyor chains in DIN 8167 & 8165
As a special version or according to DIN 8167 or DIN 8165, our conveyor chains have been running successfully for many years in various industries such as power generation, wood and chipboard, etc. Through the use of high-quality primary materials and a guaranteed repeatability in production, our conveyor chains achieve the best possible service life.
Materials | materials
- Ck15
- 16MnCr5
- 42CrMo4
- 1.4301 (AISI 304)
- Ck15
- 16MnCr5
- 42CrMo4
- 1.4301 (AISI 304)
- Ck15
- Ck45
- 16MnCr5
- 42CrMo4
- Ck45
- Ck45
- 30MnB5
- 42CrMo4
All chain components are made of high-quality case-hardening steels and other steels produced. The components for bush conveyor chains are used depending on the material hardened or tempered. Bolts and bushings are standard flattened against twisting and the bolts are riveted or welded.
Chain types
FV series (DIN 8165)
Iso Nr. p (mm) b1 (mm) b2 (mm) b3 (mm) d1 (mm) d2 (mm) d3 (mm) d4 (mm) d5 (mm) d6 (mm) l1 (mm) l2 (mm) g (mm) s (mm) FV 40 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 – 18 24,5 25,0 10 15 20 32 40 48 37 44 26 3 FV 63 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 – 22 30,5 31,0 12 18 26 40 50 60 46 55 30 4 FV 90 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 25 35,5 36,0 14 20 30 48 63 73 53 62 35 5 FV 112 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 - 30 42,5 43,0 16 22 32 55 72 87 53 72 40 6 FV 140 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 35 47,5 48,0 18 26 36 60 80 95 68 80 45 6 FV 180 - 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 45 61,5 62,5 20 30 42 70 100 120 86 100 50 8 FV 250 - - 125 160 200 250 315 400 55 72,0 73,0 26 36 50 80 125 145 98 114 60 8 FV 315 - - 125 160 200 250 315 400 65 86,0 87,0 30 42 60 90 140 70 117 133 70 10 FV 400 - - - 160 200 250 315 400 70 96,0 97,0 32 44 60 100 150 185 131 141 70 12 FV 500 - - 160 200 250 315 400 500 80 106 107 36 50 70 110 160 195 141 151 80 12 FV 630 - - - 200 250 315 400 500 90 116 117 42 56 80 120 170 210 153 163 100 12 M series (DIN 8167)
Iso Nr. p (mm) b1 (mm) b2 (mm) b3 (mm) d1 (mm) d2 (mm) d3 (mm) d4 (mm) d5 (mm) l1 (mm) l2 (mm) g (mm) s (mm) M 20 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 16 22 22,2 6,0 9,0 12,5 25 30 35 49 18 2,5 M 28 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 18 25 25,2 7,0 10.0 15,0 30 36 40 56 20 3,0 M 40 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 20 28 28,3 8,5 12.5 18,0 36 42 45 63 25 3,5 M 56 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 24 33 33,3 10,0 15.0 21,0 42 50 52 72 30 4,0 M 80 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 28 39 39,4 12,0 18.0 25,0 50 60 62 86 35 5,0 M 112 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 32 45 45,5 15,0 21.0 30,0 60 70 73 101 40 6,0 M 160 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 37 52 52,5 18,0 25,0 36,0 70 85 85 117 50 7,0 M 224 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 43 60 60,6 21,0 30,0 42,0 85 100 98 134 60 8,0 M 315 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 48 70 70,7 25,0 36,0 50,0 100 120 112 154 70 10,0 M 450 - 200 250 315 400 500 630 56 82 82,8 30,0 42,0 60,0 120 140 135 185 80 12,0 M 630 - 200 250 315 400 500 630 66 96 97,0 36,0 50,0 70,0 140 170 147 200 100 14,0 M 900 - - 250 315 400 500 630 78 112 113,0 44,0 60,0 85,0 170 210 167 220 120 16,0 More types
FV series with carrying straps with hollow pin with fastening straps with bent / welded scratches M series Full radius tabs with carrying straps with hollow pin with fastening straps with bent / welded scratches We are happy to deliver on request with increased joint play, with increased strength, galvanized, rustproof versions and Sprockets. We also supply the M and FV standards with various drivers, according to the needs and wishes of customers.
Special designs according to your individual drawing on request.
DIN | Special designs
We also supply all types of chain wheels according to DIN or in special designs. Also with hardened teeth on request.
- Sprocket disks
- Sprockets with one-sided hubs
- Sprockets with hubs on both sides
- Special wheels
- Clinker, plaster, clay reclaimers
- Scratch reclaimer
- Log transport
- Wood chip transport
- Saw line
- Coal, biomass, slag, quartzite conveyors
- Polymers and Granules
- Bottle transport
- Scraper chain for glass industry
- Etc.
Industry sectors
- Cement and concrete industry
- Steel industry
- Mineral industry
- Wood and paper industry
- Power plants
- Environmental industry
- food industry
- Chemical and fertilizer industry
- Glass industry
- Etc.
We are happy to offer you as chains equipment separate Connectors and Sprockets for your bushing conveyor chain.
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